EFT helped support group participants find a job Testimonial

Out of ten attendees, three obtained jobs three weeks later. I do believe the EFT had a positive effect with the group members.
I was later informed that another participant of the EFT workshop had landed a job after long term unemployment. That is 4 out of 10…gotta love it!

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Coaching tip: Use EFT for business coaching practice

If you are a coach who is dealing with resistance and refusal issues with your clients, we should talk about implementing EFT into your mix. Your clients will greatly benefit from releasing stress and blocks from past trauma with tapping acupressure.

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Free EFT Tapping Script: EFT For Releasing The Fear Of Technology

Fear of technology is holding many gifted transformational entrepreneurs back from moving forward with their business.
But the internet can be a blessing, as it allows for clients and healers to find each other and connect, no matter where they are in the world.
Here is a free EFT Tapping script to help you release a fear of technology and take the new media on one step at a time.
Please click on the read more button and tap along!

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Day 4: The story of the five star restaurant and the soup kitchen or: Are you getting paid what you are worth?

So yesterday, we wondered what you could do if you were in the restaurant owner’s shoes and truly wanted to make a difference and help the poor? Start a “soup kitchen” yourself, where you teach the guests how to cook! Allow for them to learn something, every time they come. Ask them to give back for every meal they receive, either to the soup kitchen, or to a guest who needs help. Let it be an interactive place of giving and receiving, so that everybody benefits. The spirit of giving and receiving will begin to give people hope, confidence and self esteem, and they will begin to take pride in “their” soup kitchen. Some will begin to take action, add creativity to the meals and beauty to its display.

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