Why EFT4Vets is for all Veterans and their families

EFT4Vets doesn’t judge, doesn’t condone and doesn’t excuse what happens or happened, it helps HEAL what happened. In a surprisingle simple and effective way, we honor the memories, thoughts and feelings, as well as their physical manifestation, and releasing the response by tapping on 8 designated release points on the physical body.

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Tapping on "The fear of change"

Every military family faces fear and change. War changes warriors as well as those who love them. With EFT, we can tap on finding a surprisingly new and appropriate outlook on the changes that are coming. Tap along.

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"Somehow the colors seem different now…"

“Somehow the colors are different now”. This is how some Veterans try to explain how their perception of life has changed after deployment. Learning to understand and respect each others views and colors is challenging and requires trust and determination from partners.

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