Why is it so tough to reach out to Veterans?

The military community in general is not exactly open and excited about healing offers. Most Veterans acknowledge the work and express gratitude, but are far from asking for help for themselves. If we want to make a difference on a larger scale, we need to understand that the toughest thing for helping Veterans heal is NOT to release the trauma, but to find ways to help them TRUST us!

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EFT…a miracle for Veterans? A Testimonial from a Vietnam Veteran

After 40 years of suffering from guilt and a feeling of inadequacy, I finally realized that my “job” as am medic with my first patient in Vietnam who was one of five victims from a direct hit by an RPG (rocket propelled grenade), was to be with him, comfort and reassure him while he was dying. When I just wrote that last sentence, I did not shake or feel any anxiety whatsoever; before this one EFT session last week, that wouldn’t be possible.

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Veterans deserving support and healing

Many Veterans believe that they were “one of  the lucky ones”, and that help and support should only go to those who have “really suffered”. But the exposure to war changes everybody, and accepting help and support in coping with this is neccessary and important.

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Tapping without the fear of judgment

As EFT practitioners, we don’t judge, we don’t condone, and we don’t excuse what happened in the past, we help HEAL what happened. All of us have a deeply ingrained fear of judgment of our actions. The fear of judgment is often greater than the fear of  failure, and it stops us from moving forward…

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