YES! Update thank you page for L1&2 Thank you for registering!


I am so excited that you will join us for the EFT Level 1&2 workshop!

This will be a highly interactive, powerfully transformational and educational event with lots of hands on practice and demonstrations of EFT for you.

Please watch your inbox, as we will send you your workshop contract. Please sign it electronically, it is very easy to do, and send it back immediately.

Please download this Movie-Techniques-Form.”

This is one of the simplest, yet most powerful tools you can use to work on your own memories and issues in a systematic way. Please fill this out and bring it to class! Even if you are not familiar with EFT, it will help you focus and get better results during our 3 days together.

More information to follow soon. Thanks again for signing up!

I can’t wait to meet you!
